Your life trajectory is in part the result of the weaving of thoughts, emotions, plans and actions which develop into a tapestry with a specific design. In part, the life you're living (perhaps just barely surviving) right now is the result of very real, but unseen, Dreamweavers.

The café tables were high, art magazines lay in piles, and the music was eclectic.  A tall, thin woman smiled at an attractive, interested man

“I was living with a wonderful man. We were happy. Then I began to have vivid, lucid dreams about cooking with another woman. These dreams intruded; they were foreign to me, but benign at first.  But as they repeated themselves and expanded, I was always with another woman. Over time, the dreams became sensual, intimate. Although I'd never, while awake, desired another woman physically, in the dreams I did. 

" Dreamweavers alone converted me to lesbianism, not society or peer pressure.  After a while, even after waking, I'd think about having intimate relationships with other women.  I then began talking about it and regarding my daily interactions with women differently. Over time, I became irresistibly drawn to something I'd never been attracted to before while awake. It took several years, but I eventually I left my male partner and found a woman to live with.”

The woman’s new obsession entered her brain while she was in the semi-conscious, vulnerable state between wakefulness and deep sleep. She recognized the dreams as "not her own." At the beginning they were benign enough to entertain. As they progressed, she rejected them when awake for a time, but later on she accepted and finally embraced them.  The night dreams became her dreams.  Her new reality, her new life, had been weaved into her, largely without her conscious consent.

Dreamweavers (spirits) are just part of the spiritual dimension in which we live along with the physical dimension.   Defeat Your Saboteurs was created to show you how to claim the good and abundant life God has for you by teaching you how the spirit dimension works, what your spiritual enemies are like, and how to defeat Dreamweavers.

Dream Weavers
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