Heart Break
in my opinion is the devil’s biggest weapon.  A broken heart cries in misery, sadness and loneliness - all the marks of the evil ones.

Heart Break not only produces miser, but can drive a person to seek solace and pleasure in what is not good.  The solace may offer short term relief, but in the long term it just compounds the pain.  In a real way, we fall into evil’s plan for us.

Only God has the resources to heal heart break.  It starts with His presence.  His presence is healing.  The key to getting more healing is to draw as close to God as possible.  From God himself we receive His healing and also hear His voice that tells us the steps we must take to be healed.

The book Defeat Your Saboteurs will teach you about God, how to get close to Him, and take you through the process of understanding why there is so much heart break in your life.  The book also describes specific interconnected factors that have controlled much of your life and set you up for pain.  The last chapter teaches you tools with which to take a good and abundant life.  There is a solution, but you will have to learn and take the Heart Break.  
Heart Break
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