There are a seemingly infinite number of sources of trauma.  God intended this world to be a perfect place, but, as a result of what we say and do we injure each other and even the planet itself.  Through those words and actions we have allowed evil to have access to this world.

Trauma, There is no easily solution, but a key part into healing is to get close to God.   Close to God, we can follow Him.  He will lead us out.  In the process, there are many helps: counselors, support groups, friends, treatment programs - use them.

When traumatized, holes are made in our natural defenses.  Part of our defense system is a protective wall between the physical dimension and the spirit dimension.  The holes allow access to people by spirits, which is why highly traumatized people can hear “voices”.

Defeat Your Saboteurs is about how the spirit world operates, its inhabitants, and how to combat spirits that attack you.  The book will teach you how to use the weapons that God has given you to be healed of Trauma.
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