Spiritual Warfare is direct activity from nearby spirits not serving God, pressure from ruling spirits of the air, and the effect evil spirit “things”.  Their purpose is to make you miserable to the greatest degree they can, and to finally destroy you.

The spirits (“persons” made of unseen to the human eye spirit material) planned your life from before birth to make it as miserable as possible.  They arrange marriages, unhealthy food, sicknesses and every awful thing they can get away with.  In daily life, they arrange things before you and around you to make your day as difficult as possible.  They go, say and do things before you - preparing a bad reception for you.   To you personally, they continually bombard your mind with “spirit talk” (thoughts that they insert in your mind) to direct you according to their plan.  They will also bring up every unhappy memory to make you sad.

Spiritual Warfare - continually activity against you by spirits, is an ongoing event, every day, every night.  Defeat Your Saboteurs explains the nature of the spirits and the spirit world and what God has done to give you tools to defeat them.  God is love, you are not unloved, and He made a wonderful supernatural provision for you.
Spiritual Warfare
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